Happy new year, friends! Hope you had a restful break. How is it almost February? Sigh.
I'll have a more in-depth and newsier update soon, but in the meantime, I wanted to give you a quick update on what's coming up in our superhero murder mystery, THE AWAKENED!
First off, here's a look at some of the stunning "Who's Who"-inspired character pages artist Dean Kotz has been cooking up for the series. These will serve as backmatter for the initial print editions and trade. Awesome, right? Here are the character pages for Avatar, Madam Fright, Paragon, and Graywolf!
But that's not all! I know you've been asking about more pages. So, as we get crackin' on coloring and lettering the fourth and penultimate issue of THE AWAKENED, we wanted to show off some of Dean's great b&w artwork. Consider it a teaser of what's to come!
If you're not yet a paid subscriber, now's the time - so you can get pages like these a few weeks early!
Enjoy and talk soon!